Letters Of Recommendation

If you would like me to write you a letter of recommendation, please do the following when you request a letter of recommendation:

  1. Make sure I know you well enough to write a strong letter. Doing well in one of my classes is not sufficient.  For me to write a letter for you, you must have done at least one or more of the following: Worked with me on a research/independent study project, been part of NSF S-STEM, CAHSI LREU, or another funded research project., held a leadership position in a student group that I advise, and interacted with me regularly, or some other activity equivalent to those listed above

Which classes did you take with me, in which semester? Please highlight your performance in these classes (e.g., a perfect score on the final exam, a particular homework assignment where you exceeded the requirements—describe what you did, etc.). Which semesters did you conduct research with me? What did you achieve in these research projects? Are there any extra-curricular activities that would be relevant for me to mention (e.g., activities related to class, etc.)?

7. Waive your FERPA protections for the information I will need to talk about in the letter. In your email request or a follow-up email to your original request, after you have looked at this page, you MUST include the following text (exactly as stated here): “I consent to the release of personal and educational information about me in the letter of recommendation that I have requested from you. This authorization shall remain valid unless and until it is rescinded in writing.

8.  Remind me when the letter is coming due. 2-3 days before the deadline, please send me an email with a reminder that the deadline is approaching.

9. Uphold your part of the application (or let me know I don’t need to write the letter anymore)

If you ask me to write a letter, I expect that you will complete your part of the application.  Writing a good letter is time-consuming.  If I am preparing a letter for you, I have declined to prepare a letter for another student.  If I find time to support your application and you fail to complete your side of things, that is disappointing, and may prevent another student from taking up an opportunity.  If you are not going to be able to meet the deadline for the application, please let me know so that I don’t waste my time. 

IMPORTANT: Send ALL of the requests at the same time, at least a week before the FIRST deadline (earlier is better).

All this information should be ready before the request deadline. This will make the process smoother and allow me to adjust my workload to support your reference request.

Good luck with your plans!